We are Ishikawa Hope International School 

Educational Goals

Educational Goals

Ishikawa Hope International School has the goal to assist the family by providing a Christ-centered, Bible-based education that inspires each student to pursue excellence in moral character, spiritual growth, academics, fine arts, physical fitness, and service to others. 

Character Building

Teachers impact students through being role models.

For this reason, all the teachers at IHI are believers and followers of Christ. Teachers lead by offering Christ-like examples, while focusing on the uniqueness of each child. Small classroom size enhances accomplishing this goal.

Bilingual Education

IHI provides a bilingual education in Japanese and English.

For students wanting to pursue further studies at a Japanese university, the curriculum will be adjusted to assist them in applying for the Japanese University of their choice.

For students with English as their first language, the curriculum will be adjusted so that the student can apply to the overseas university of their choice. 

Mission Statement

IHI purposes to provide an education that is God- glorifying and academically excellent; IHI seeks to promote growth of the whole person (Luke 2:52) through a safe, caring, loving, and Christ-centered environment by partnering with the parents. 


The curriculum guidelines were revised in 2017 and fully implemented from 2020. The curriculum guidelines require “the ability to learn and apply what has been learned to life and society” and “the ability to think, judge, and express to be able to respond to unknown situations.”

IHI sets its timetable in accordance with the standard timetable established by the Ministry of Education in Japan. We offer one-year instruction schedule so the students can finish the requirements of the curriculum guidelines made by the Japanese government.

IHI teachers are able to fulfill the curriculum guidelines because a small classroom size enables teachers to focus their attention better, guiding each child individually.


A Word from Our School Founder

Greetings. My name is Takayuki Hayashi. Thank you for visiting our website and having interest in our school. I lived about 15 years overseas and have seen first-hand how Christ-centered education changed the lives of many. I am one of them.

The world is changing rapidly. We seek not only to inform students; but to develop children who mature by having wisdom to use information appropriately in a changing world.

We do not have to travel overseas to see the world because the world is coming to us. The need has never been greater for our children to be able to communicate in English. We want to provide excellent education that builds character of children, thus providing many opportunities for their future.


IHI is being assisted by BC Christian Academy (BCCA) in British Columbia, Canada.

IHI has plans to receive assistance from Myron B. Thompson Academy in Honolulu, Hawaii. https://www.mbta.me/

IHI is in the process of accreditation by the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI). ACSI is committed to instilling knowledge, wisdom, and a biblical worldview in students trained to love God and contribute to the public good.


Children will be registered in their local public elementary and middle schools, yet the children will be attending IHI every day. The children will be recognized for attending school by going to IHI.  They will not be marked absent.  Children will be recognized for finishing elementary school and middle school by attending IHI. 

High-school students will be registered in Aioi Gakuin, and will receive a high school diploma by attending IHI.

School Advisors

Yasuhiko Aoki

Founder, Director of Children of Light Christian School (free school),
Graduate of Kansai Gakuin Graduate School, Pioneer of Good Samaritan Church, Teaching at Osaka Electro-Communication University

Michihito Kaneko

Pastor of Christ Church Graduated from the University of Tokyo, Faculty of Law, former officer in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Vice Principal of Children of Light Christian School (free school)

John Leon

Former principal and vice principal of Macon Road Baptist School in the U.S. Owns an English tutoring school in Japan

Stan Hankins

Resident of Hawaii; pastored multiple churches in the U.S.; currently involved in multicultural ministry in 36+ countries; Trainer in leadership development. Board member of several organisations.

Hiromi Tada

Representative of NPO Create International Christian School.

Mitsuyoshi Mizumura

Founder of Create International Christian School, graduate of Fukuoka University of Education, pastor of OVMC Tsuda Christian Church


Shoei Niwa

Acting Principal

Subject: Japanese, Math, etc. and Office work

Former pastor of Kanazawa Nishi Bible Church and a member of the Board of Directors of the Alliance of Bible Churches. He is currently an itinerant pastor.

Currently a husband of Ruth and a father of four children.

Ruth Niwa

Vice Principal

Subject: Japanese, Math, etc.

Graduated of Osaka Kyoiku University, Faculty of Education, and Kansai Bible Seminary. She worked as an elementary school teacher, and a teacher at church.

Currently a mother of four children.

Satoru Suzuki

Subject: Science

Born in Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture, Japan. Completed Master’s program in Information Processing Engineering, Kanazawa Institute of Technology. He is the Director of Awana Japan.

Kazuko Nozaki

Subject: Calligraphy

Graduated from Tsuru University, Yamanashi, with a degree in English Literature. She has worked at elementary schools in Kanagawa Prefecture, Kanazawa City, and Tsubata Town. Her desire is to help children as much as she can and watch them grow up.

Glen Chamberlain 

Subject: English

Trilingual in English, Cantonese and Japanese. He completed his CELTA English teacher studies in New Zealand. He has been giving English conversation lessons for 20 years.

Kumiko Yoshida

Subject: Music

Graduated from Kobe College, Faculty of Music, Hamburg Conservatory of Music, and Brahms Conservatory of Music. She received her Bachelor of Music degree from Kobe College, Faculty of Music, Kobe College. She is a member of the Tokyo Music Center, and has trained newcomers in various places in western Japan. She won the first prize at the Hamburg Vocal Competition. I hope you will enjoy and savor the wonderful gift of music from God.

Board Members

President Ken Ito

I have passion to bring Hope and Love to the nations.

“Each One, Reach One, Teach One to Reach One.”

Making the IMPACT which matters!

Vice Director
Shoei Niwa

Former pastor of Kanazawa Nishi Bible Church and a member of the Board of Directors of the Alliance of Bible Churches. He is currently an itinerant pastor.

Kou Okada

Director of Hikari Kyoikuen. Pastor of Kanazawa Independent Christ Church.

Kenichi Kajiyama

Graduated from Ishikawa National College of Technology and Tokyo Bible College. Pastor of Nanao Bible Church.

Kunio Kondo

Graduated from Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medicine. After working as an assistant at Kanazawa West Hospital and Kanazawa University Third Department of Internal Medicine, and as chief of internal medicine at Kanazawa Wakamatsu National Hospital, he opened Kondo Clinic in 1989. Received the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon and other awards.

Nobuya Sakai

M.A., Kanazawa University, Japan. M.A. from Prairie Bible College, Canada. He has been the senior pastor of Uchinada Bible Church since 2011.

Miyo Tanaka

Graduated from the Department of Stage and Music, Faculty of Arts, Prairie Bible College, Canada.

Hitoshi Nagai

Social Welfare Corporation Hikari no Ko Fukushi Kai. Chairman of the board of directors.
Pastor of Hakui Bible Church.
Representative board member of the Bible Church.

Diplomacy Director
Takayuki Hayashi

Graduated from Bob Jones University in the U.S.A. with a degree in International Economics and Chinese Language, and then graduated from the Graduate School of Theology, Department of Pastoral Ministry. After serving as an associate pastor of Victory Church in Canada, he is currently a pastor of Uchinada Bible Church.

Yashuo Yoshida

B.S. in Applied Physics, Tokyo University of Science. D. from the Department of Energy Quantum Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University. After working as an assistant professor at the Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo, he is currently an associate professor at the Department of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Kanazawa University.

Shigeki Watanabe

Born in Tsubata-cho, Ishikawa Prefecture. Graduated from Kanto Gakuin University, Faculty of Economics. Graduated from Immanuel Seisen Theological Seminary. Currently serves as senior pastor of Church of God Tsubata Christ Church.


Izumi Kotama

Studied in the US for high school and university. Parented her children both in the US and Japan. Politician and member of parliament for the town of Nakanoto.


Small Indoor Gym

Children have access to the indoor gym during break time and during inclement weather. Children enjoy playing baseball, soccer, pickle ball, tag, and other games in the indoor gym.


IHI has a large selection of English books available for children to read during break time and after school. Children can also take the books home if they wish. IHI can also borrow 100 books from the Uchinada Library and keep the books for up to three months. We intend to expose the children to many books.


There is a playground one to two minute walk from the school. Children are allowed to play at the playground with the supervision of a teacher. Gym class is sometimes held at the park.

Eating Area

IHI is blessed to have a large kitchen and eating area for all the children. Most teachers present that day and all the students share meals together. This allows for informal sharing, support, and mentoring.

Statement of Faith

Our Beliefs

1) We believe the Bible to be the inspired and only infallible, authoritative written word of God. II Timothy 3: 16-27
2) We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Matt. 28 19; II Cor. 13: 14
3) We believe that the universe originated by the creative act of God as revealed in Holy Scripture, and that the form of every kind of life was fixed at the time of its creation. Genesis 1: 1; John 1: 1
4) We believe in the true deity and true humanity of our Lord Jesus Christ - His pre-existence, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and His future visible return in power and glory. Colossians 1:13-20; John 1: 14
5) We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the only mediator between God and man. 
I Timothy 2: 5
6) We believe that all men are lost and sinful, and that salvation is received through personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and by the act of regeneration of life by the Holy Spirit of God. Romans 3: 23-26; Titus 3:5
7) We believe that by the present indwelling ministry of the Holy Spirit, the Christian is enabled to live a godly life, and that every believer should practice the holiness which God requires. Ephesians 1: 13-14; Romans 8: 1-4 , 12: 1-2; Titus 2: 11-13
8) We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life, and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation. 
John 5: 24-25, 28-29
9) We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ. John 5: 20-23; I Corinthians 12: 12-13
10) We believe the biblical marriage as a heterosexual marriage, consisting only of one man and one woman, united before God and state in a loving, life long commitment. This comprises the ideal environment for the nurturing and upbringing of children. It is foundational to a strong and united society and as such is to be fostered, strengthened, protected and encouraged.
11) We believe that support of, and participation in, the task of fulfilling the Great Commission is an obligation of all believers in our Lord Jesus Christ. Matthew 28: 19-20

Our History
1980s — 2024


Vision to begin a school


Public school teacher Mrs. Sumie Shimizu affirmed the vision and moved to Uchinada to start serve at church. She started helping young people, who were not able to go to school, connecting to elder people. She passed away after three years.  

The vision was again  affirmed by present Pastor Sakai.


Pastor Hayashi validated the same vision.


The concept of beginning an international school was shared in the church general meeting. 


Pastor  Hayashi requests the church to pray  for the beginning of the school. 


Non Profit Organization "Hope" is started to start the school. 


Preliminary opening of IHI.


Grand Opening of IHI.


embedding maps in website

We are located in Uchinada Bible Church

Ishikawa Hope International School
3 Chome-13 Chidoridai, Uchinada, Kahoku District, Ishikawa 920-0277, Japan

Uchinada Station ( 900 meters, 13min walk)
Kanazawa Station to Uchinada Station (17 minute ride)

Free car parking is available.

IHI Bus will pick up children at 8:15am at Uchinada Station from Monday to Friday.
